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Private Health Consults

JINI SAYS: Unfortunately, I cannot legally give private health consultations to my readers.

I can also refer you to some other doctors and practitioners who are familiar with my protocols, below. But, please take the time to familiarize yourself with each doctor's methods and perspective and know that while some of them have read my books and/or talked with me, they are entirely independent consultants with their own ideas and protocols. Some of these practitioners will support you in following my protocols, while others may want you to follow their advice instead.

Some of my readers have had excellent experiences with these practitioners and others have been disappointed. So always follow your own gut and don't give your power away! If you sense that a doc is not working for you, then leave, and find someone else who resonates better with you. If you primarily want a doctor who will support you in following the protocols in my books, then be sure to find out if they are willing to do that, before you book an appointment.

The podcasts I have done with some of these doctors are available below, and I highly recommend you listen to them, to get a sense of the practitioner and if they're right for you first.

In the UK:

Nishta Patel is a functional medicine doctor who used my protocols (including the elemental diet) for her own daughter’s healing journey. She is based in the UK but also does phone consultations. You can discuss or book directly with her at: www.zesthealthnutrition.com

Dr. Mandy Aujla - An Osteopathic doctor, Mandy is  also well known for her intuitive body work, this enables her to follow the root of the problem that is causing a physical, emotional or spiritual disturbance. Mandy also practices regularly in Dubai. Learn more at: www.mandyaujla.com

In the US

Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND - familiar with most of my protocols and gives phone/skype consultations. You can contact her directly at: www.drcarolyndean.com

Dr. Paul Goldberg - familiar with most of my protocols, healed himself of colitis and arthritis over 30 years ago. You can contact him directly at: www.goldbergtenerclinic.com

Dr. Wendy Ellis (Washington state and Oregon only) - specializes in female hormone health & has a good intuitive sense. You can contact her directly at: https://drwendyellis.com

Dane Johnson (Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach) - Formerly diagnosed with Crohn’s, familiar with most of my protocols. You can contact him directly at: crohnscolitislifestyle.com


In Sydney, Australia:

Bianca James - specializes in using colon hydrotherapy and probiotic retention enemas to heal the bowel. One of the founders of fecal infusion therapy. You can contact her directly at: www.colonhealth.com.au

Dr. Thomas Borody - gastroenterologist at Sydney University, but thinks outside the box. Familiar with using an elemental diet and fecal infusion. You can find out more at: www.cdd.com.au

In Israel:
Adi Zusman - health coach familiar with using an elemental diet. You can contact her directly at: http://belly-way.co.il/

NOTE: The Workbook that comes with Listen To Your Gut (on the CD-Rom) provides you with a customized treatment plan by the time you reach the end of the book - but you have to actually DO the Workbook and fill in the answers. So you may want to start with that first and then book with a doctor or health coach if you need further guidance.

Emotional Healing
As I say repeatedly throughout Listen To Your Gut, until you deal with the emotional components of your dis-ease, you will not experience complete, or long-term healing. Watch my short video on this topic. 

It's for this very reason that I developed my Lazer Tapping Course - where I teach you how to use acupressure tapping to interface directly with the symptoms, fears, trauma lodged in your physical tissues and cells. This is my favorite mind/body/soul interface. So I encourage you to at least try a FREE SESSION with me and see how your body feels about this healing modality.
LTYG Podcast - Candida, Detox & More! with Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND
LTYG Podcast - All About Food Allergies & Blood Allergy Testing with Dr. Wendy Ellis
LTYG Podcast - Why Patients Are Unable To Heal? with Dr. Paul Goldberg
LTYG Podcast - Chronic Illness & Hormone Imbalance with Dr. Wendy Ellis
LTYG Podcast - Hormone Balance After Age 35 with Dr. Wendy Ellis
LTYG Podcast - Dr. Keesha Interviews Jini
LTYG Podcast - Fecal Infusion Bacteriotherapy with Bianca James
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